Ushbu  ochiq dars ishlanma 11-sonli umumiy o`rta ta`lim maktabining ingliz tili fani o`qituvchisi Sharifa Xolboyeva tomonidan tayyorlangan bo`lib, 2-sinflarda ingliz tilini o`qitish va ular salohiyatini oshirish uchun o`qituvchilarga qo`llanma sifatida foydalanishga mo`ljallangan. DTS (Davlat Ta’limi Standarti) talablari asosida yozilgan va ko`rgazmali  qurollardan foydalanilgan.


Educational:         — to learn to say numbers;

                              — to learn to read, write and count from 1 to 20

Developing:         — to enable pupils to read, write and count from 1 to 20;

— to enable pupils to ask and answer the question “how old is your            sister/brother?”

Socio-cultural:     — to raise awareness of how to say and write numbers

Up bringing:       — to enrich pupils’ knowledge of numbers in English

Learning outcomes:  At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

— read, write and count from 1 to 20;

— ask and answer the question “how old is your sister/


Competence: SC1, FLCC, and PC

Type of the lesson: Mixed, group work, pair-work, individual work

Method of the lesson:  nontraditional, mixed

Equipment of the lesson: Textbook “Kids English 2”,  “ Workbook” pictures, internet, computers, projector


Part of the lessonTasksTime
1Organizational Moment-to greet pupils. — to check up the register5 min
2Repeating last lesson— to give pupils some questions about last lesson. – to ask words from previous lesson5 min
3Explaining new theme— to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme20 min
4Consolidating new theme.— to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.10 min
5Marking.— To mark pupils5  min
6Homework.— Giving homework.

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organizing moment: Motivation,Greeting, checking attendance, season, weather, checking the preparation for the lesson.

II. Asking homework:

— Check for homework given on past lesson.

— Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

III. Pre-activity:

Activity 1 Listen and repeat. 5 min

Objectives: to introduce the unit topic, to warm up

IV. Main part

Activity 2a Look, listen and repeat. 10 min

Objective: to introduce the numbers from 11 to 20

STEP 1: Ask the pupils to look at the two columns with the numbers. Read the numbers aloud. elicit that in order to say and write the numbers from 13 to 19 we should add the ending “-teen” to the numbers 3 to 9. Draw the pupils’ attention to the numbers three and five. Ask what changes in spelling and pronunciation they have noticed.

Ask the pupils to repeat the numbers 13 and 15 several times. Also establish that when they add “-teen” to eight, we must write only one “t” (eighteen).

Optional Activity 2b Write the numbers.

Objectives: to consolidate the learnt numbers;

                   to practise writing the numbers.

Ask the pupils to open their Workbooks on Page 41 and write the numbers in the gaps as shown. Ask the pupils to pronounce the numbers while writing.

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